Saturday, September 12, 2009

Farseer Idranel

Here she is,

The inspiration for this piece came from the Dawn of War II trailer, in which a Farseer executes the last surviving member of a Blood Ravens squad by driving her spear into his chest. She then rises in a pillar of energy with two orbs of energy in her hands. The concept was simple, but the miniature took more than a month to assemble from the date I began assembling components.
First off JB Weld rocks! I used it all over the model and it's an OCD crafters best friend. The Blood Raven comes from a space marine 3X pack, I had to cut his arms off and reglue/mold them into the right pose. I painted him before I attached him so that he would have a more realistic look when placed in the dirt, as it was I ended up removing his backpack.
The Farseer was by far the most fun. Her Staff broke off at the end which was just as well because I needed to make it a Singing Spear anyway (JB). Her feet got messed up when I removed her base, so I filed them down and made new ones (JB). The stand is a sprue that I twisted to make it look like an ethereal pillar. The orbs are made from left over JB Weld that I rolled, glued, and finally painted.
Now that I've finally finished her I have to say I'm very pleased with how she turned out. And in her first game she single-handedly defeated a Necron Monolith with her Singing Spear... me thinks she was worth the points. Thanks to my friend Stefan, for the game and the photographs.

Enjoy all

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nothing this week

---Just a quick update---

I lost my camera, and I won't get it back until next week. I have one project done and another coming soon. Be ready for Striking Scorpions!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Avatar of Khaine

So this all began when I was reading my codex and I came across the Avatar entry. The whole concept really struck me, and I kept visualizing what an Avatar would look like in my army. For those of you who don't know me, I really like infantry, and the way they look on a game table. I feel in love with the Eldar when I saw the Swooping Hawks, and well it was pretty much the same for the Avatar.
Having never seen an actual Avatar in action, I was somewhat at a loss as to what exactly he looked like. When I finally did find photos of the GW model I was sorely disappointed. Now I like GW and usually their models are of very high caliber, but the Eldar Avatar was a real let down. It only stands slightly taller than a Farseer, and the proportions are way off. I also found the Forgeworld model online, but since my money growing oak tree died, I was a little short.
Enter Super Sculpy, JB Weld, electric fence wire, tooth picks, and two months later Viola!

A bit about me

Hi all,

I was inspired to start this blog, after watching Auxelli0n's: Talking about Tyranids. I do some scratch building, a bit of terrain, and some conversions. So feel free to comment and criticize, I know some of my stuff needs work, but i like playing with it so much I find it hard to force myself not to use it until it's ready.
I've been playing Warhammer 40k for about a year now, my army is Eldar, Ulthwe craftworld. I just bought the Fantasy rulebook, and I plan on starting a Warriors of Chaos army very soon. I am a HUGE fan of infantry, and don't really care for tanks much (disregard this if you are seeking tactical advise), not because of their effectiveness, but just because I like the looks of infantry better.
I play Warhammer because I like the lore, and the camaraderie, I don't play to win, but when I do that's nice too.